Well, I'm back in Colorado, back in school, back in Navs, and back to reality..in English! I'm taking 12 credits at school, decided to just finish in May instead of December and enjoy my last year at a University and really invest in women through Navs. It's really great :D I'm getting used to being a student, friend, daughter, sister, and girlfriend again (not that I wasn't before, but it wasn't in person for 3 months!). Although I landed in the US a month ago today, it seems like forever ago, and yesterday, at the same time. My life in Japan seems so distant, yet I'm still the same person I turned into while I was there. I love how I can go a week without listening to music or watching tv. I love how I really enjoy my roomies and how grown-up they are, and how we can approach each other from the same level. I love God. Not for what He does for me, but because of Who He is, what He stands for, and who He makes me, everyday, every minute. We start Bible study on Wednesday and I'm so excited because we're studying Ephesians. I've read this book probably at least 50 times, and every time something new stands out to me and challenges me. I'm also excited because I get to meet and hang out with some new Junior girls, 2 of which have studied at Bible colleges in Europe, 2 are from Illinois, Chels, and my Sarah (formerly "Snorwood"). I'm also excited because I met some really cool freshmen ladies that I hang out with sometimes. They're fun to be around and its refreshing to remember where I was only 3 years ago. I'm utterly amazed at how God has grown me, stretched me, molded me, and cared for me the past 3 years.
This semester will be crazy, despite my non-crazy classes schedule. Other than school, Navs, roomies, and friends, we will have random houseguests from Denver, Kansas, California, and possibly even Pennsylvania. I am a team leader for the Communications team, meaning I'm in charge of marketing/advertising/comm within the group for our UCCS Navs. Please continue to pray for me, our ministry at school, and the lives of those on campus, in Colorado Springs, and friends and family back home in California.