
Thursday, May 29, 2008

cuz i'm leaving on a jetplane...

but I DO know when I'll be back again...August 8!

We had a great bonfire tonight, and I got to see a few friends from kindergarten through senior year of high school! Thanks for coming, those of you who were able to make it :D Tomorrow I'll spend my last day with the CO men, and I'm very sad and nervous about leaving Michael for the summer. I know God will provide peace, assurance, understanding, and distractions though.

Well, I finally got my emergency address/phone # in Tokyo in case no one is there to pick us up (just kidding mom and dad....). Meg and I worked out our hair stuff we're bringing. I finally got a great pair of comfy/cute shoes to go with my skirts, and I think I'm finally all ready, set, ready to GO! Tomorrow I'll pack, and then starting at either 3 or 8am Saturday I'll be on my way to LAX and then Tokyo!

A HUGE thank you to the rest of you that have supported me!! I have reached my minimum fundraising target... yet another way God has provided in a HUGE way through you!! It really assures me that what I'm doing and where I'm going is exactly where I'm supposed to be. Isn't it fun how things work out like that?

Anyway, I'm off to bed. It's been a long week. Talk to you next from Tokyo, Japan!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you doing in Japan?