So, Michael had asked me maybe in November if I wanted to go see this snow sculpture festival with him in Breckenridge. We tried to go last year, but just barely missed it. So we put it on the calendar, and waited. Over Christmas, he had "the talk" with my dad, and it went surprisingly well! When he picked me up from the airport in Denver, we stopped at a ring shop to look at a few rings, but mostly so that I could be sized (yeah, after 14 months, he's still sizing me up :P). We were supposed to go to Breck on Saturday the 17th, but knowing me, I was sick. I didn't know if that was supposed to be the day he was going to ask or not, but I didn't want to ruin it if it was!! He was very good to me, came and took care of me and got me all better before that very evening. The next day, we headed to Breck! Usually, when we go on road trips, we don't listen to music or anything, just talk and laugh and enjoy the sights :) Not so much this trip, he had put a whole bunch of Michael Buble songs on his new ipod (thanks to mom and dad for Christmas!) and we listened the entire way up. Once we got there, we were driving around for parking and saw huge blocks of snow...that had not been sculptured. Apparently Michael had looked it up earlier that week and found out they wouldn't be carved until the next week, but decided we should go anyway. Thankfully, I was trying to be good and didn't research the festival or anything :P Anyway, we found parking and started walking around, and, like my usual, I started shivering and shaking because it was so cold. He was walking around looking for the river walk, but my body was insisting we stop for lunch somewhere inside and warm. It was a funny walk looking for something to eat, but I thought he was just frustrated with me being cold and neither of us knowing where to eat. We found a great place, had a great lunch (although he was somewhat quiet, but I attributed it to other reasons). Once we got out of lunch, I asked, "So...what are we going to do all day now that there's no sculptures?". He suggested we walk around and look at the shops and such, and find that darn river walk. We started walking, and found a giant pile of snow that had been plowed. I had never seen a pile of snow so huge, so I asked that he take my picture in front of it. He suggested we take pictures on the bridge right next to it. I suggested he take my picture in front of the snow first. He suggested we go to the bridge first. He abliged, took the picture, then we walked onto the bridge. It was cute, had a little overhang thing, and was still decorated for the holidays with a wreath and lights. He said "Well..." and backed away from me and unzipped his jacket. I thought he was crazy, or trying to give me his coat or something even though I was finally not cold. Then...he proposed! Neither of us really remembers what he said, but he got down on one knee and everything :D I gave him my hand, he put on the ring, then we started hugging and smiling lots :D About 5 minutes later, I said, "Hey, I just realized I never gave you an answer.... of course!!" and we were engaged :D We laughed and talked and grinned quite a bit, then found a nice sunny spot to call family and friends. I am so overjoyed to be committed to the most wonderful man in the world. There will be hard times, and there will be glorious times. I look forward to them both with Michael James Hankins, and I look forward to becoming Kristin Jeanette Hankins :D
Per some of your request, here is a picture of the ring. He did an absolutely great job!! About 2 months ago I sent him pictures of a variety of rings and told him what I liked and didn't like about each one, what I needed functionality-wise, etc (he didn't look at them, of course, until after he talked to dad...what respect!!). My mom was generous enough to send her engagement ring and my great grandma Brooks' ring for him to check out. He was able to use the stone from grandma Brooks' ring to create one that is just perfect for me and us!! The picture just doesn't do it (or us) justice, so you should check it out in person sometime :)

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