
Friday, December 3, 2010

Shout it out

Have you ever just wanted to scream? At people? I personally am not a loud person- sure, I talk firmly, but pretty much never yell. Friends and family yell at bad drivers, at neighbors, at kids to get their attention. I can't be loud. But, this pregnancy has changed me in many ways. Now I WANT to yell sometimes. I've been more honest with people that I've ever been in my life, sometimes good, and sometimes not so good. My mom says I'm being sassy. My husband says I'm just being honest. I think it comes from some sort of instinctual need to protect my young who cannot speak for himself. or. something like that. :P But the most noticeable thing I want to shout from the rooftops is that "IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!". When we're shopping in a store and someone gets mad at the person working the cash register, so much so that they leave their child stranded in a cart...does it really matter? Sometimes I want to scream at myself, too. When I worry too much about what others think and how they will interact with our little family, or big family, or how to be sensitive to this person, IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER.

So, then, what does matter? What, if anything, is worth screaming for? How do you see someone struggling with something that doesn't matter, and help them, for them? How do you help them, not for yourself? If someone is believing lies from this world, but it isn't IMMEDIATELY or PHYSICALLY hurting, is it even our job to help? Is that what God calls us to, or does He call us to lead the person closer to Him so that He can correct the path? And what if it is more serious- what if a person is believing lies from the world that are pulling a blanket over their eyes, interfering with their immediate interactions with the world, possibly ruining relationships and his or her future? What about ourselves, our spouses, our children? Is it our duty, then, to speak out?

I am fully convinced that we are called to speak in truth to one another, even when it hurts, even to ourselves. When we do not bring up problems, they only get bigger, and NEVER go away by themselves. But we can't just shout it out. But we can't merely whisper to ourselves or our closest friends. We head straight on, direct course to the person, and hear their heart, with our minds and our own hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note to self: my water broke later that afternoon, and then we had Simon!