Thursday, September 29, 2011
Quality Time
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It is very interesting to me being in the company of different women at different times, especially those that are stay-at-home moms. When in mixed company and asked what they do, many respond, "Well I USED to....". But, when in the company of only other stay-at-home moms, they respond, "Well I'm at home with the kids...why, do you work?!?!" You may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not at all! Darned if you don't work, darned if you do.
So for now, my goal is to not be busy. To have actually quiet, quiet times, instead of multi-tasking reading Bible times. My goal is to have life be good, in spite of the fact that it may be busy, and have it only be good the less busy I get.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Mother's Day
Have you ever experienced something in which you have expectations that you never even knew you had? A lot of women experience it when dating "the guy", or with the wedding. You start to realize he's the one, and then you realize he's not at all what you had expected, but you didn't realize you had a type in your head. Or you start planning the wedding, and you realize it isn't at all the kind of wedding you envisioned since you were a little girl. Expectations. Hidden expectations are the worst. For some reason I thought I would get breakfast in bed, some sentimental "mommy" gift like the ones I got when I was pregnant, and lots of alone time and affection with my guys. Instead, I was contantly making food for both of them (sarcastic yayyyy for homemade baby food and a sicky baby), cleaning up after them, and left to fend for myself for the day. We didn't even make it to church to get a flower!
And then I realized...this is what Motherhood is about. This is what Mother's Day is about. I don't get that gushy mushy feeling when I think about holding my baby. I don't think birth was the ultimate woman experience. I don't think breastfeeding is always always the best option. I don't think it makes you more of a woman to have had your kids "naturally". I love my husband, and I love my child. And because of the love I have for my husband, we have a child. Raising a kid is hard. And not just "oh you lose sleep, you'll never get your body back, its expensive". Those are true, but that's not it. True motherhood is losing yourself without losing yourself. Becoming a mother means that any time of day, you will give up your desires for what is best for the kid. Just like marriage- ideally marriage is getting up every day to serve your spouse over yourself. Not a lot of people see it that way, and sure, hopefully your husband won't wake you up in the middle of the night and scream until you get him some food. But what if he did?
So happy Mother's Day out there, all you women everywhere. May you sacrifice and love on your children every day of the year, and not have any expectations on getting anything in return. That, is true motherhood. true love.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Butterfly Effect
Lately, I was told a wonderful metaphor by a dear friend who is hoping to leave in the next few years to do ministry work in Japan (with twins on the way, yikes!). She told me that, as all DNA, a caterpillar's DNA is the same from the time they are in a cocoon as when they are caterpillar as when they are butterflies. As such, God has given us a plan for our lives to be His daughter or son. A caterpillar cannot "see" his DNA, just like we cannot see where or how we will end up. We cannot look at other people's DNA and know where or how they will end up. But, just like DNA, there is absolutely nothing that we can do to fall into or out of grace with our Heavenly Father, just like there is nothing we can do to change our DNA (well, for now, science is getting creepy). Isn't that absolutely beautiful?
At the Women's Day that Si and I attended a few weeks ago, they gave a talk about condemnation versus conviction. We agreed that condemnation is done by other people and ourselves, and is not from God. Conviction can be by others, God, ourselves, along with the Holy Spirit, to spur us on to be better WITHIN God's love. The only one who can truly condemn us is God after we have passed away or when Jesus comes back. Just like our DNA, we should not feel guilty, proud, ashamed, or arrogant about ourselves, because the good and the bad all come from and bring glory to God alone. DNA.
When we had the wonderful time to get together with family last month, it was very interesting to just watch people and talk. Michael's grandfather passed away, something we were very excited about. Now let me explain, normally we don't get excited about death, but we were so excited FOR him. He had worked on a farm his whole adult life, and wanted to die on that farm. A few years ago, he suffered an accident that caused hospitalization and selling the farm (at the farm auction! if you haven't experienced one should! Oh boy). It has been about 2 years- he does not have his pigs or crops or farm or farmhouse. He couldn't live with his wife. His kids live all over the country. He lived to see pictures of his grandkids' first wedding, and got to meet his first blood great-grandson. His body was failing, his mind was wandering, and Jesus was calling him home. It was time to take a look at his DNA. Now, since we have faith and Merle talked about his faith quite often, we believe he is in a much better place, partying with Jesus, and we believe we know how to get there someday as well. But, what if we don't? If there really is nothing we can do to get in or out, then how do you know? A bunch of Merle's kids (he had 7!) claim to believe in some sort of God, pray with us, go to church when they are visiting, and are generally good people. Some of the family spent much of the weekend feeling sorry for the rest of the family, because they "had no faith". But when one of the sons who does not take part in religion got up to speak at his father's funeral, he said he knew he would see his dad again someday. Some scoffed. Some feared for the son. I'm not so sure. We can pull verses out of the Bible and quote scripture, but ultimately, it comes down to God. We don't know what the next 5 minutes holds, let alone how we will all "read" when it is time. Only God knows our hearts, and only God knows our DNA. It is up to us to let His beauty come out and become the butterfly He created us to be.
Monday, February 7, 2011
As such, lately I have been focusing on God as my father, my abba, my "dada". In the past few months, our little munchy has started not only smiling, but laughing! After he is fed and changed, he gets the cutest little grin on his face... at his mom, the palm tree, the fan, and ceiling lights. He delights in looking at the tree in his bedroom. And thus, we delight SO much in him! Michael and I are convinced that babies really rule the world without us knowing. He makes one little noise and we mimick him. He smiles, so we smile back. And yet, I can't help but thinking that this must be how it is with our heavenly father. We smile and laugh and are entertained by the dumbest things. He has a whole world, a whole life for us, better than we could ever imagine. And yet we giggle at lights and ceiling fans thinking it is just the greatest blessing. We have no. idea.