Have you ever noticed that when you ask someone, "Hey, how are you doing?" one of the most common responses is, "Good...busy". Does that mean that life is good because you are busy? Or life is good, except that you're busy? In business, as in most of our lives, we equate being busy with being successful and profitable. Which is true...most of the time. With my job, if I am booked up, that means we can pay our loans off even faster, or buy Si that extra formula he's gobbling up, or go visit the grandparents one more time. But I've realized there is more to life than money (what a concept! duhr). I have been realizing that I almost compulsively have to be multi-tasking in order to feel like I can get everything done. I am running laundry, serving customers, keeping and ear and eye on Si (yes, even when he's fast asleep I sometimes peek at the monitor ;), running dishes, making food for all of us. Even while I would watch tv I would be responding to texts about scheduling appointments and writing notes to myself about what is next. Well, NO MORE busyness for me! This month, Michael and I have given up TV. The last time we did this, we got Simon, so I hope it doesn't happen again this soon, but I think it'll be fun. There are concerts at the park, farmer's markets to wander, pool time (free at the new neighborhood!!), friend time, oh yeah and the fully booked work schedule the next month :P
It is very interesting to me being in the company of different women at different times, especially those that are stay-at-home moms. When in mixed company and asked what they do, many respond, "Well I USED to....". But, when in the company of only other stay-at-home moms, they respond, "Well I'm at home with the kids...why, do you work?!?!" You may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not at all! Darned if you don't work, darned if you do.
So for now, my goal is to not be busy. To have actually quiet, quiet times, instead of multi-tasking reading Bible times. My goal is to have life be good, in spite of the fact that it may be busy, and have it only be good the less busy I get.
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